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Product details
File Size: 5534 KB
Print Length: 352 pages
Publisher: Arcade; Reprint edition (October 11, 2011)
Publication Date: October 11, 2011
Language: English
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Major General Julian Thompson led Royal Marines into battle in an amphibious operation in the Falkland Islands in 1982 against an enemy that had greater numbers and more aircraft, so he is no stranger to the conditions that the British encountered in withdrawing to Dunkirk in 1940.His expert eye and flowing pen provide a riveting tale of determination in the face of unimaginable odds and a desperate situation, which enabled the British to save their army from destruction, and in turn probably kept Britain in World War II, saving humanity from Hitler's "new dark age."This book is for serious students of the subject, and it helps to study the maps. He focuses heavily on the British forces (for obvious reasons) and doesn't think much of the French generalship (for even more obvious reasons). Ultimately, the "Dunkirk spirit," heavily mythologized by the "little ships" energized the British people. Winston Churchill was careful to say that "wars are not won by evacuations," but as this book shows, they can be lost if they fail.Most highly recommended for people who want to learn about what happened at Dunkirk
I learned a lot from this book. I was generally aware of what happened at Dunkirk but in quite general terms. This book goes into much detail about the fighting before the British had to fall back to Dunkirk. In fact too much detail for me and I suspect for most readers. There is a lot of very detailed discussion about which units were holding what area and who reinforced whom. It's a good resource for the serious researcher looking to understand the battle but I found it to be a bit tedious and I suspect a lot of other casual readers will also. Not to take anything from the author-just an observation. It was somewhat of a surprise to me that a few of the French units actually fought pretty well but their upper leadership was dismal. Of course many did not and left the British hanging at times. It was interesting that the French resented the British for not staying and fighting for them. It's a good work but it's not a casual read.
If anyone wants to learn in considerable detail about the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) from the time it went into France and Belgium until it was evacutated from Dunkirk, this is the book to read. The problem is however, is that with the exception of the last chapter, it is not well written or edited. The author uses considerable amount of jargon that perhaps a British WWII veteran would understand but which is Greek to everyone else. The book does have a glossary which is inadequate either because it omits items or the descriptions are inadequate. For example in the book types of artillery pieces are mentioned but no descriptions of the weapons are included in the Glossary. 18 pounders, 25 pounders, 60 pounders, and 2 pounders are mentioned but many readers do not have a clue as to what these artillery pieces are. Some pieces are described in inches which gives readers with a military background some idea what size the weapons are but since most of the world describes the size of weapons using milimeters (mm) it would be helpful if the milimeter size of the weapon was included (with the exception of infantry small arms . It would be even better if there were photographs or illustrations of the weapons.I knew what a Bren gun was (a shoulder fired light machine gun) because my platoon in Korea was right next to the Commonwealth Division and we often visited each others positions. But the description of the weapon in the Glossary would not be helpful to a reader who had not seem one previously.Dunkirk became familiar to me when I was young. When WWII broke out, I took a keen interest in what was happening in Europe, largely because WWI was still fresh in everyone’s mind. The evacuation at Dunkirk was widely covered in the newsreels and in the weekly magazines and the scenes are still vivid. Later, when I studied military history, we studied the campaign that ultimately lead to Dunkirk but not nearly in the detail that is covered in the book. I have some large maps from that course that were useful in following the narrative in the book. Although the book contains maps, the maps are too small to be readable even with a magnifying glass.When the movie about Dunkirk came out, I had a renewed interest, particularly because the movie only covered a small fraction of what happened, omitting anything about the courageous stand the BEF made in preventing the Germans overrunning Dunkirk. And for that matter, the French. So for me, the book filled in those large blanks. But while the book does devote about one and a half chapters to the actual embarkation and naval activities, much about the sea evacuation is omitted from the book.Nevertheless, despite its shortcomings, the book is a good read, even though a difficult one, and I recommend it.
This book was very well researched and had so much detail that it became hard to read. Granted it is a depressing book. The good guys lose every battle and finally retreat. Of course I knew this before I began the read. The details were so in depth that I could skim for pages and not lose track of the story line. I am glad I read the book for the sake of learning the history, but I am now reading D-Day that takes place in the same area but has a better ending and I am enjoying it much more. Maybe I just like good endings but who doesn't. I like to read to be uplifted not depressed. Again historically this is a great book, sometimes history is hard to read without a great story line.
Very interesting in parts but yet another historian who doesn't really understand the BEF's order of battle and equipment. Refers to 2 lbr guns as "37mm" (they were 40mm) and claims they were not that effective, when they were actually one of the best all round ATGs of 1940. They could pen any German tank at 500 yds, typical range for Europe. Head to head, when not grossly outnumbered, most BEF units held their own or repulsed German attacks. Only the fluid nature of the battle due to the French collapse caused them to be defeated at all. They were by far the most motorized, most professional, and most modern infantry divisions in 1940. Their artillery was top notch. History written by non war nerds often comes out like this. They get the general movements of troops, but their analysis comes up wanting. Only 3 or 4 of the British divisions in France were territorial rear echelon units. They did lack equipment. The rest were pretty powerful units. They were just constantly put in bad situations.
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